We love Valentine’s Day for all the ways we can show and express our love and appreciation for those whom we care about and for people who have made an impact in our lives. Whether you demonstrate this with a teddy bear, a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, a poem, a handwritten note or picture, or even just with a hug and an “I Love You” or a “Thank You” we know that the recipient will be happy for the appreciation and feelings of friendship.
Because Valentine’s Day is a special day set aside to express these sentiments we’ve made 15 Free Printable “Happy Valentine’s Day” Coloring Pages for you to print and share with those you love and appreciate. They are perfect for children to color and give to crossing guards, teachers, bus drivers, friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, neighbors…the list goes on! We’re sure they will end up on fridges and bulletin boards everywhere! Showing others how much you care doesn’t have to be elaborate to be heartfelt. It can be as simple as a printed piece of paper, some crayons, and a smile!
Printing these “Happy Valentine’s Day” coloring pages (including ones for Mom and Dad!) is just as simple to do:
- Click on the coloring page(s) you’d like to use,
- Download the PDF file(s) to your computer, and
- Print!
We hope you all have a Happy Valentine’s Day and are able to share it with those you love most!
For more free Valentine’s Day printables, check out these posts:
Free Printable February 2023 Calendars (for all your Valentine’s Day planning needs)
Free Printable Valentine’s Day Coloring Pages
Free Printable Valentine’s Day Cards
Free Printable “Love” Coloring Pages
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