The New Year is a perfect opportunity to assess where we are in life and to determine what goals we’d like to achieve in the coming twelve months – goals that will make us happy, healthy, and prosperous.
While we have many, many free printables to help you get organized (printable planners, free printable calendars, or to-do lists, anyone?) and even printables to help you get your finances in order (we have monthly budget planners, savings trackers, and debt trackers, just to name a few!) we’d also like to offer free printables for a very popular goal on everyone’s list when a new year begins: weight loss and health.
We know there are many reasons for wanting to shed a few pounds. For some people, the indulgence of the Christmas season can make them feel sluggish, and starting a new exercise and healthy eating regimen is just what is needed to initiate a good start to the year. For others, it may be health-related issues that require losing weight in order to relieve many painful symptoms. There truly are countless reasons why a person would be motivated to lose weight, but regardless of your reason for wanting to become a more fit person one thing is certain: even small improvements in your health and weight will reap many positive benefits!
Below, we have 29 free printable weight loss trackers (over a third of them include daily, weekly, and monthly versions for whatever interval you want to track) to help you on your weight loss journey. If you prefer to see a visual of your progress by coloring in mini goals or increments, or you like charts or calendars to track your momentum, or even if you want to make a game out of it or have some kind of reward for all your effort, we’ve got the weight loss tracker template for you! With so many layouts and designs we’re sure you’ll find one you love and that is just right for motivating you to start and to keep going!
Printing these weight-loss trackers is pretty straightforward: simply click on the image of the tracker you’d like to use, download the PDF file to your computer, and print!
That’s the easy part – now that hard work begins! But we know you will stick to it and you’ll be seeing great results by year’s end!
Weight Loss Trackers
The colored background of the 10 images in this section is just to illustrate what is available in each PDF download. For these trackers, there is a daily, weekly, and monthly printable for each of the 10 designs.
Do you have any for inch loss? That’s what we use – weekly measurements: neck, chest/bust, rib, waist, abdomen, hips, R&L biceps, thighs, and calves.
We have these ones: https://www.printabulls.com/health-and-fitness/body-measurement-charts/
Hey there,
How do you resize these to different paper sizes?
Hey Gabriela!
Unless otherwise noted, the vast majority of our printables are intended for the standard 8.5”x11” paper size.
Nonetheless, with the right printer and/or software you can often resize the printable to the desired size. Without knowing your exact setup it’s not possible to give you exact instructions but if you Google “how to resize a PDF” you should be able to find a solution that works for your setup. If not, your local print shop could likely help you as well.
Hope that helps!
Do you have something to keep track of workouts completed? I use videos off youtube specifically Caroline Girvan.
Hi Erica!
The closest thing we have right now is the 30 Day Workout Challenge on this page: https://www.printabulls.com/health-and-fitness/30-day-challenges/
Our habit trackers might help too: https://www.printabulls.com/self-improvement-and-care/habit-trackers/
Hope that helps!